2018 Goals - Mid Year Check-in

Its the middle of the year and we just finished up the heavy lift of our half reviews at work. Lots of peer, self and upward reviews being written before we dive into final rating discussions. Its a busy time of the year but also a really good time for us to check in and see how we are doing. So let’s see where we are at with my personal goals.

Ready Player One

Warning I don’t think that I have any spoilers in here, but if I do, deal with it. You’ve been warned. The Book First off, I enjoyed this book immensley. I’m not religous as some of my co-workers that have ready it several times over the past couple of years. But I enjoyed the time that I read it. The contest alone gets you excited, cheering for the kid from nothing to beat all the odds is captivating.

2018 Goals

Time to kick off the new year with a new set of goals. Let’s kick the tires and light the fires! Bot Up! - I have an idea for a messenger bot that I’ve been meaning to get out the door. Just need to find the time to code it up and ship it. It solves a need for me that I’m trying accomplish. And its something new and interesting that I’d like to learn more about.

2017 Goals Review

Another year down, another chance to review what I’ve accomplished for the year. Solve a Rubik’s Cube in under 3 minutes – FAIL - I was pretty active in trying to get this one accomplished at the beginning of the year. Even got down to a pretty consistent resolution on the cube itself, just didn’t have the time to get fast at it. Unfortunately, my schedule and work load pushed this one to the back burner and really haven’t touched it in close to 6 months.

Boy Scouts

I’ve been trying to process the recent change of the Boy Scouts of America allowing girls into the organization. If you haven’t read about it, you can find more information here I grew up in scouting so I can understand the appeal. I earned the rank of Eagle Scout along with many of my friends. We had a heck of a troop and I wouldn’t trade those memories for the world.