VCP-IaaS Exam Experience

This morning, I passed the VCP-IaaS exam making me an official VCP-Cloud. Overall, I found the test to be a nice add-on to the VCP5 test that I took back in 2011 and not as hard as I was expecting it to be. Don’t get me wrong, you have to know your stuff. But I think of all the tests that I’ve taken from VMware, this one was more in line of what you would encounter on a day-to-day basis as a vCloud Administrator which is what I think certification tests should be rather than pure memorization of the admin guides.

vCloud – Licensing error while accessing vSphere Profile-Driven Storage

Recently I was spooling up a dedicate cluster of hardware for a customer in our vCloud environment. It’s a smallish cluster of 5 hosts with a dedicated pool of storage. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Created the DRS/HA Host Cluster. The storage guys had already done the various zoning and disk LUN creation so that was added to the cluster and tagged it with a User Defined Storage Capability.

Puppet Dashboard – Inventory Service

As a user of the free version of the Puppet Dashboard, I’m always looking for little tips and tricks that can make it more useful in my day to day job. Some of the features that you find in the Puppet Enterprise (PE) version are available in the free version, it just takes a bit of time and effort to get working for you. One of those features was recently brought to my attention by a co-worker.

Speaking Engagement – DSM Web Geeks

For those interested in getting a quick overview of Puppet, I’ll be speaking at the DSM Web Geeks meeting on March 4th. Check out their web site for details.

Speaking Engagement – Iowa VMUG

For those that are interested in learning a little bit more about Puppet, join me at the Iowa VMUG meeting on January 17th from 3-5. I’ll be giving a talk on Puppet and what it can do to automate your infrastructure. Should be a good (and informative) time.