
2022 - Year of Experience

The Theme System In case you have missed it back in 2020, I’ve decided to switch from the usual goals for a year to a theme. Yes, there are areas for measurement for success in some of these areas. But the reason behind the theme is its flexible and can be adapted to many different things. Its more about making choices and having some momentum towards a certain change in my life that I’d like to make.

2021 - Year of Health Review

In case you missed it at the beginning of the year, for me, this is the year of health. As usual, this is my mid year check-in to see how I am progressing. What did we want to see again? In case you don’t want to go back and read the article, there were a few things that I wanted to see improved. The great thing about a theme is you are not necessarily locked into improving certain metrics by making a certain number.

2021 - Year of Health Check-in

In case you missed it at the beginning of the year, for me, this is the year of health. As usual, this is my mid year check-in to see how I am progressing. What did we want to see again? In case you don’t want to go back and read the article, there were a few things that I wanted to see improved. The great thing about a theme is you are not necessarily locked into improving certain metrics by making a certain number.

2021 - Year of Health

The Theme System In case you have missed it in the past, I’ve decided to switch from the usual goals for a year to a theme. Sure there are some measurement or ideas on where I would like something to go. But this is more about making choices and having some momentum towards a certain change in my life that I’d like to make. If you would like more on setting a theme for a year or season, I suggest you check out The Theme System or watch this quick video from their page:

New Theme

I’m messing around with a new theme for the site. Its HTML5/CSS3 on the back end which is appealing, just not sure I’m 100% convinced on it yet. Might have to experiment around with some other HTML5/CSS3 themes to find one I like. Or…just write me own. Anyone have a theme that they like?