Dam to Dam 5K

My 2nd 5K of the year is in the bag with the completion of the Dam to Dam 5K. The race this year took a different route and had a much better result for me. I’ve been running a lot more and it definitely showed. At the end of the day, I got 8th in my age group and 100th overall with a time of 23:04. I tied the 7th place guy in my age group but he had 2 seconds on me in gun time.

Upgrading a Mid-2010 mac mini with a SSD

I was fortunate enough recently to get a fancy pants amazon gift card for some hard work put in the off hours at work. Mainly, 5 tests earning myself 2 certifications and several “specialist” designations over the past 6 months. What did I do with this new gift card, of coarse spend it as soon as I could on something totally geeky. And here it is, a new OCZ 120GB Solid State drive for the mac mini which is my home dev machine.

[Puppet] Error 400 on SERVER: No support for http method POST

I’ve been helping a buddy get his puppet master server setup and he recently ran into a rather interesting error. He had his master server setup and had added a few recent server builds to the mix all from the EPEL repository which installed the 2.6.x version of the client. When adding an older server, he got the following error message showing up in his logs: Error 400 on SERVER: No support for http method POST Doing a little googling, it turns out, this is not all that uncommon.

Error 25113.Setup failed to generate the JRE SSL keys.

While working on an upgrade from vSphere 4.1u1 to vSphere5.0, I ran into the following error when I got to the upgrade manager portion of the upgrade. Error 25113.Setup failed to generate the JRE SSL keys. If you do any sort of googling for this, you’ll find people that suggest looking for openssl.exe and renaming it temporarily. I didn’t have openssl.exe so that wasn’t going to work. Another person gave the old windows “fix” of just reboot the box.

SQL exploits

You know its going to be a bad day when you get the following email: Did someone hack our website? It looks like a Chinese news listing entry has been added with today’s date. Ballsack! Time to roll up the sleeves. How bad is the damage? From the looks of it, other sites on the web server had not been damaged. Doing a search for modified files found nothing out of the ordinary had been changed.