
Looks like the government is at it again now that Apple has come out stating that they are not going to roll over and provide a master key to their iPhone software. Really NSA? How about the part where the terrorist didn’t use encryption in these attacks. European media outlets are reporting that the location of a raid conducted on a suspected safe house Wednesday morning was extracted from a cellphone, apparently belonging to one of the attackers, found in the trash outside the Bataclan concert hall massacre.

Gotta Jump

Steve Harvey nails it. Eventually, you’re going to have to jump! I jumped in a direction I wasn’t expecting and its been more beneficial to my family and career than I would have ever imagined. You Gotta Jump To Be Successful <p> After I tape an episode at Family Feud I spend a few more minutes with the audience. I talk about jumping. </p> <p> Posted by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/SteveHarvey/">Steve Harvey</a> on Wednesday, January 13, 2016 </p> </blockquote>

Who took a chance on you?

As my team locally and at other locations continues to grow, I have found myself thinking back to an article by Bijan Sibet talking about who took a chance on you. Each person I interview has different strengths and skills. Sometimes you go in looking for someone that may be really strong in one of those particular skills. But often times, you only get a glimpse of what they can really do in the 45-60 minutes that you have with them.

What I recommend for a wireless setup

Normally talking about wireless networks isn’t the most exciting thing that one can talk about. But over the years I have been asked what my thoughts are for a setup or if I would setup a wireless network for someone. With that in mind, this is what I would recommend for a wireless setup if you were doing one from scratch. My in-laws built a new house a little while back and we did some planning ahead of time to account for a future access point that would be mounted once the drywall, texture and paint were all up.

2016 Goals

As in past years, I’m being open and honest about my goals for the year. Keeping yourself accountable is a big part of success so the more people that see this can also call me on excuses as they come up. I’ve never really hit 100% of my goals and I think that’s ok. Goals are meant to stretch you and make you work really hard for something. This makes the reward all the sweeter.