Keeping Myself Honest…

In order to make sure I keep track on all my goals, I’m going to check in every quarter and see where I’m at. So seeing as it is the first day of April, time for the 1st quarter review.

Goal #1: Sleep More! With the help of, I’ve been able to track my sleep time and so far for 3 months I’m averaging 6.86 hours of sleep a night. I’m shooting for 7+ so I’m not too far off.

Goal #2: Time for family – Check and check. Work hasn’t gotten in the way too much so that’s all good there.

Goal #3: Ship Code. Have a small idea that I’m working on. Need to find the time. Hopefully this summer.

Goal #4: 5×5. One down, 3 more on my radar. Need one in the fallish timeframe which I think I have 1 or 2 that I’m looking at. I’ve been putting the miles on as I have logged over 70+ miles so far this year.

Goal #5: Top Secret. Still top secret.