
There has been a lot of buzz going around about delicious being phased out as a yahoo product. Well, we can’t say for sure that it will go away, but you can pretty much guarantee they are not going to focus any more development time into the product. And quite frankly, that may not be a bad thing.

Competition has popped up in PinBoard. But I would argue that bookmark competition has been around for a long time. I used to work for a bookmark company called [There has been a lot of buzz going around about delicious being phased out as a yahoo product. Well, we can’t say for sure that it will go away, but you can pretty much guarantee they are not going to focus any more development time into the product. And quite frankly, that may not be a bad thing.

Competition has popped up in PinBoard. But I would argue that bookmark competition has been around for a long time. I used to work for a bookmark company called]6 which was working on making more of a personal information manager before they ran out of cash. Bookmarks are where Murl got its start.

The thing that I use delicious for is not to discover new sites. I rarely actually log into the web UI. What I use it for is keeping track of sites that I may need later. Now that I have been using Instapaper, I don’t have the need to keep tabs open for days / weeks on end until I have time to read an article. I simply tag it and come back to it when I have time. Delicious used to fill this role for me but now it is purely a depot for me to dump web pages that I may need sometime in the future. And even then, I’m relying on it less and less.

While its sad to see it go, I can’t say that I’m overly surprised that yahoo has killed it. They have a history of buying properties and not doing a whole lot with them. I’m still shocked they haven’t found a way to screw up flickr.

So whether Yahoo decides to sell it or shut it down, it won’t affect me too much. However, I do recommend that you backup your links daily.

Backup Code:

curl -k --user username:password -o backup.xml -O'