Good Bye 2008
At lunch the other day, a friend asked everyone at the table what was our favorite part of 2008. I think that I may have offended her a bit when I said that my favorite thing was that it was over. I wasn’t kidding either.
Work has been challenging but stressful. The company was bought, we battled floods, my team helped launch several major products, moved offices, and have continued to add on additional projects that have not been made public knowledge, but have taken up a bunch of time.
Yes, I’m very happy to be employed and busy. But there have been a number of challenges that I could do without in 2009. Let’s hope for a fairly dry spring so we can avoid the major flooding the drenched the midwest. Its a small step, but would save me a lot of sleep.
I have my goals for 2009 and most of them will eventually come out in this blog. But for the time being, set your goals high, spend time with the ones that you love and let’s hope for a prosperous 2009 for everyone.