
The Color Run

Time to wrap a bow on one of my goals for 2012. 5x5K is officially complete with the finish of The Color Run – Des Moines. It was a bit chilly for the run but it was a blast. No times, just 27,000 of your friends running a 5K and getting colored power thrown on them. Quite the experience and I recommend it to just about everyone. Walkers, runners, kids. All are welcome!

Mid Year Goals Checkin

Trying to keep myself on track here and the best way to do that is to make sure that I’m writing and checking in on my goals at various points throughout the year. So here is my mid-year goal checking. Goal #1: Sleep More! 6 months in and still tracking with the help of mercuryapp.com. My average is now 6.92 which is up slightly from my 3 month mark of 6.

Keeping Myself Honest…

In order to make sure I keep track on all my goals, I’m going to check in every quarter and see where I’m at. So seeing as it is the first day of April, time for the 1st quarter review. Goal #1: Sleep More! With the help of mercuryapp.com, I’ve been able to track my sleep time and so far for 3 months I’m averaging 6.86 hours of sleep a night.

Red Flannel Run 2012

Today marked the official start to the race season for me. I’m not competitive in these things by any means but calling it a race season makes it seem like I know what I’m doing. Signup, run, don’t die. Pretty much in that order. In the end, its all about knocking out one of my goals for 2012. There were a lot of things different about the Red Flannel Run in 2012 compared to last year.

Goal Tracking

On the 1st of the year, I put our my usual public goals for 2012. I have some typical goals in there of some fitness goals, career type goals and general health goals. Some of these are pretty cut and dry to track progress. I want to run 5 5K races, pretty straight forward. But how do you track something like getting more sleep? Here is where Mercury App comes in.