
BlackBerry ‘Client’ Password

This is more for the programming geeks out there than anyone else. If you are looking for a quick and dirty way to store your BlackBerry username and password when using the BESUserAdminClient.exe, refer to the following document. It allows you to simply pass a secondary password that will reference the credentials stored in the registry. To set the password: BESUserAdminClient -set_client_auth "-username ADU1 -password ADP1 -ad_auth -domain D1" -set_p password1 To access the credentials from the registry:

HMC Resource Management

Today I’m going to talk about the wonderful thing that is the Resource Manger for HMC (Hosted Messaging and Collaboration), the wondering framework from Microsoft for provisioning users for Exchange, OCS and SharePoint automagically. Now, we tend to do things a bit differently at my current job. For example, I’m pretty sure I’m the only developer in the US that is hitting HMC (again, a Microsoft product) with PHP hosted on our linux based customer portal.

One Character == World of Suck

Ladies and Gentlemen, today you are going to learn a lesson on why you do NOT edit the active directory directly for exchange attributes. Background A long time ago, we had a very crappy provisioning system for our hosted Exchange 2003 platform. It worked ok, but missed a lot of things that we wanted to have set. They also were kind of pricks when it came to licensing so making a ton of money on the platform was hard to do.

No server restart?

I follow quite a few blogs of various people that make headlines and have a coding background. One person in particular that somehow made the list many moons ago that I have failed to remove is Leah Culver. I think it was her ties to the midwest and the fact that she seems to be putting her ass out there with Pownce (which has since had to close its doors).

Ugly Code

With my recent project, I had to do some research for the bits that make up the msRTCSIP-OptionFlags field in Active Directory for OCS users. There were certain operations that are not 100% supported by HMC so often times you have to fill in the gaps. The definition of this field is as follows: This attribute specifies the different options that are enabled for the user or contact object. This attribute is a bit-mask value of type integer.