
Announcing –

My good friend asked me to do a web site for him and well, I finally got around to knocking it out. Its basically a business card web site but for an artist, its anything but cut and dry. Check out my latest development effort The site is pretty minimal as really, its best to keep the text to a minimum here and just show off the art work.

Nolan James Patterson

Its hard to really put into words how proud of my wife I am. She has given me a gift that I can never thank her enough for, a handsome baby boy. Nolan James Patterson was born on September 18th at 9:47PM. Weighing in a 7lbs and 1oz and a whopping 20 inches long. Ok, maybe not that whopping, but still a decent height to him. So, as a good father, I promise to raise my son to learn all the important things.