OSX Lion + LiveMeeting

Today marked the first time that I had to attend a live meeting after I recently upgraded my primary workstation to OSX Lion. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the smoothest experience. Typically, Safari renders these meetings the best so it is my go to browser for meetings. Unfortunately, I would get the prompt for trusting the java app and a window would load with nothing happening. Same with Chrome. Firefox actually rendered the window with a Java loading icon spinning for all its worth, but never actually loading the meeting.

How I vote…

I have a simple formula for how I vote. For each political call I get, that candidate gets a negative point added to their name. Before I go into the voting booth, I figure out who has the highest score. Most candidates are tied at zero. Unfortunately for Ron Paul, he’s sitting at -2 and its EARLY in the campaign. I’m thinking about expanding my voting tally to include commercials and emails.

Dollar + Web = Dwolla

For those that might not be familiar with Dwolla, here is a brief run down. Now, for some time I’ve been using the app for small transfers here and there. I think the service is great, easy to use, and their spots feature makes it really easy to find vendors that are accepting Dwolla. This was once a pain point but now I can easily pull up a map and find a local coffee shop and for my morning cup of joe.

Wrestling with VMware High Availability (HA)

A few months back I had a little bit of trouble with an upgrade in our corporate VMware cluster that I thought I would share. The details of this upgrade was to add a new host to the mix and bring everything up to vSphere 4.1 update 1. It seemed pretty straight forward at the time but there were a few unexpected issues that sucked up more time than expected.

I void warranties

So the iron went kaput a few weeks ago and we being the modern american consumers went out and bought a new one. They’re highly disposable and an iron is an iron right? WRONG! We liked our old iron. It worked great and always produced massive amounts of wonderful steam. The replacement, well, let’s just say it has some areas of improvement. The old iron didn’t completely die either. It simply had a lose connection of some sort and wouldn’t stay powered on for the duration of your ironing.