Apple has recently announced a iPod nano (1st generation) Replacement Program. While this is great that they are being proactive and replacing iPods with bad batteries. I have to ask the question…how many of these owners have already moved on to other iPod devices?
Sure sure, we all say it, and some even believe it. I’m going to write more…promise!!!
I’ve been pretty swamped at work and side things that I have been neglecting the old blog here for a bit. But I should be posting some new content here over the next few weeks of some stuff that I have been working on and a certification that I’m picking up.
Good stuff to come…check back soon.
VMworld 2011 Las Vegas was my first ever VMworld, and hopefully it will be one of many! Before I left, I got some advice from a co-worker who was an alumni as well as reading various articles including David Marshall’s 10 tips for VMworld 2011 newbies.
Now that I’m been there and back and with VMworld Copenhagen just around the corner, I figured it would be a good time to recap David’s rules as I thought they were a pretty good blue print for first timers.
I’ve talked about FlipBoard before. But I’d like to point out that its been reported that FlipBoard has been downloaded 3.5 million times. For those keeping track, I think they have left 3.5 – 10.5 million dollars on the table.
What could your company do with an extra 3.5 million in the bank?
The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. – Think Different!
RIP Steve.