Keeping Myself Honest…

In order to make sure I keep track on all my goals, I’m going to check in every quarter and see where I’m at. So seeing as it is the first day of April, time for the 1st quarter review. Goal #1: Sleep More! With the help of, I’ve been able to track my sleep time and so far for 3 months I’m averaging 6.86 hours of sleep a night.

App Boom

We’re doomed to repeat history. Wait…what? Isn’t that the point of history to study it so we DON’T make the same boneheaded mistakes. Yes, that’s exactly why you read history books. Yet, we are in another round of the IT glory days. Read TechCrunch for 5 minutes and you’ll just be shaking your head. What was the .com boom of the late 90s has become the new app explosion of today.

Powershell Error checking

Being a programmer by trade, I get thrown into many projects that aren’t always my forte, but I can figure them out and get them working the way that I want. I’ve been messing with powershell for a while now with VMware, but never really getting into big time scripting with it. Its mainly be something to use to accomplish some various tasks on mutliple hosts. Very little error checking in the scripts since I’m watching them was they run.

Red Flannel Run 2012

Today marked the official start to the race season for me. I’m not competitive in these things by any means but calling it a race season makes it seem like I know what I’m doing. Signup, run, don’t die. Pretty much in that order. In the end, its all about knocking out one of my goals for 2012. There were a lot of things different about the Red Flannel Run in 2012 compared to last year.