VMworld 2012 – Day 4

Last day of VMworld! Its been a good conference for me. Solid sessions and the labs that I’ve done have been good. Its my second year here so things are a bit different than they were last year. In Vegas in 2011, I loaded up my schedule with sessions upon sessions. This year, no where near as many sessions as they are all online and available after the fact. This year I tried to get into the labs more, but honestly, the labs had some issues.

VMworld 2012 – Day 3

No keynote planned for today. Just sessions, labs and the solutions exchange. Some of the cool tech that is out there that you should check out are: PuppetLabs: Can’t say enough good things about what these guys are doing. Automate your infrastructure with Puppet! Its damn impressive. Raidundant 1 Million IOPs in 3 U. This guy has some very cool tech, wicked smart and oh…has a patent on this tech. Well worth checking out.

VMworld 2012 – Day 2

Day 2 and everyone is a little more tired but ready to get their learn on. Today was the day that Steve Herrod gets to take the full spotlight and show some of the cool tech that is happening at VMware. Much like last year, the day 2 keynote was focused on the end user with both the desktop and mobile device. The View + Mirage technology was slick, no doubt about it.

VMworld 2012 – Day 1

I’m a little behind on this one so I’ll give the high levels of what I saw. The keynote was the official handing off ceremony from Paul Maritz to Pat Gelsinger. Paul has done some great things in his past 4 years at the helm of the company with one exception, vRam. On his way out, they made sure to clean that up as well. It was a debate who would get the bigger applause, Paul for his leadership, or vRam going away.

VMworld 2012 – Day 0

I call this Day 0 as it was simply supposed to be a travel day and the infamous VMunderground party. Unfortunately due to mechanical issues my first flight out, we didn’t make it. Not be a long shot. Instead of getting in at 4:30 we got in at 11:30. Sure I got more time with the family, but was really looking forward to kicking off the conference correctly and catching up with some old friends.