Puppet Camp – Chicago
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to speak at Puppet Camp in Chicago. The goal of the event was to basically share, energize and evangelize puppet to a group of “locals” who will hopefully then use it and also spread the word to others.
I got involved in the event basically by accident. Last year at VMworld, I met Jose who is one of the community guys at Puppet. He helped sponsor a local LUG meeting where I spoke about puppet and it was a pretty good success. For the puppet camp chicago, they were a little short on presenters so I threw something together in the past week and away I went.
Over all, I thought my talk was OK. Not the greatest, but OK. Hey, I only had 3 days to prepare what was supposed to be a 40-50 minute talk. I think I may have hit 30 or 35 minutes. There were a lot of good speakers at the event and I was excited to meet more users like myself who both enjoy using puppet and also enjoy evangelizing the tools that they use to make their lives easier. We could all use a little more knowledge sharing like that, right?
If you are interested, here are my slides from the presentation. I haven’t decided if I’m going to submit this to PuppetConf yet. It doesn’t seem worthy in its current form but I have some ideas on what I can add and with more time, it can be a lot more polished.