IgniteIT – Ames

Hey everyone. If you you’re in the Ames Iowa area tomorrow night and consider yourself a geek, come join us for the IgniteIT event. This is going to be my first year attending and I have even thrown my name out there to give a talk on Inbox Zero

Here is a description of what IgniteIT is all about:

IgniteIT is the networking opportunity for Iowa’s information technology community. Our mission is to spark imaginations, connect people, create new technology opportunities in Iowa and have a lot of fun in the process. Inveigh against solipsism!

Whether you are an IT professional, technology enthusiast, independent entrepreneur, venture capitalist, web guru, motivated student, or just a big geek (like us), you are invited to participate. We are looking for both presenters and attendees.

More information can be fount at: http://www.igniteitiowa.org/