Dumb People

$24 for Voice Mail

I got a letter in the mail the other day from my internet, phone and cable TV provider Mediacom. The letter stated that due to the higher costs of providing the service and the decreased demand, Mediacom would no longer be offering voice mail as part of my included service. That’s right, as a “triple play” subscriber, someone who is now paying well over $100/month with the company, they will no longer offer voice mail as a part of their voice package.

Damn French!

For the most part, I like France. Its a nice place to visit, most of the people that I’ve met have been fairly nice, at least the ones that have come over here to study and visit. Heck, I even got engaged over there back in 1999. However, today re-affirmed why most people hate the french. We have a few domains that are registered with a registrar that is based out of Paris France.

I’m a model

Tonight my wife and I took a journey to the local mall. While we were walking through the mall, we heard the following exchange between a guy who I assume was a manager of some store, and a guy working one of the center kiosks. Guy: So you’re a model. Clerk: Yeah Guy: So what have you done. Clerk: I haven’t started yet, I’m still working out the details with Steve.