
Puppet Dashboard – Inventory Service

As a user of the free version of the Puppet Dashboard, I’m always looking for little tips and tricks that can make it more useful in my day to day job. Some of the features that you find in the Puppet Enterprise (PE) version are available in the free version, it just takes a bit of time and effort to get working for you. One of those features was recently brought to my attention by a co-worker.

Puppet: Dashboard

Earlier in this series I had mentioned the Puppet Dashboard and how we were going to discuss that at a later time. Well guess what kids, its that time. Server Installation For those needing a little background on the puppet server in this example, we’re running on a CentOS 6.3 box with both the EPEL and Puppet repositories configured and active. All puppet modules of coarse are coming from the puppet repo itself for the latest and greatest bits.