
Bailout Failure

I have to say, I was a little shocked that the bailout plan failed today. Not that I don’t think some version of it won’t pass in a few days. But there is outrage over this bill. People are pissed that our tax dollars, for generations to come, will be spent bailing out the greedy bastards on Wall Street. Apparently Congress was receiving calls from constituents at a rate of 9-1 disapproving of the bill.

32 words

I typically don’t read the Huffington Post. At least not on a regular basis anyway. But this article caught my eye on digg so I hoped over there. First, read the article. Its rather shocking. Then, contact your state Senators and Representatives and express the outrage you now have for the fact that the executive branch can spend 700 billion dollars of our money on bailing out their idiot friends.

McCain helped create the BlackBerry?

Sen. John McCain’s senior domestic policy adviser said Tuesday that the BlackBerry mobile e-mail device was a “miracle that John McCain helped create.” Sen. John McCain “laughed” when he heard his adviser’s remark about the BlackBerry, another aide says. The adviser, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, discussing the nation’s economic woes with reporters, said that McCain — who has struggled to stress his economic credentials — did have experience dealing with the economy, pointing to his time on the Senate Commerce Committee.

Palin has foriegn policy experience

Wow! Uh Cindy, that’s not the experience we were thinking of. That’s like saying I’m an expert on China because I eat at a Chinese restaurant for lunch once a week.


Are you kidding me? Of all the attention whores that Obama could have picked, he’s #2. Proceeded only by Ted Kennedy. Even Hillary Clinton isn’t as bad as Joe Biden. I think Obama is an inspirational candidate. But I’m not sure that he is going to get my vote and choosing Biden definitely knocks him farther down on my list. Biden is constantly finding the cameras and weighing in his opinion when it really doesn’t need to be heard.