
Zune Glitch

Having dealt with my fair share of timezone issues while programming, I find leap year issues really funny. Thank you Microsoft for starting off my year with a laugh. Many Zune owners successfully revived their failed music players Thursday morning, while others were still unable to overcome a leap year-related glitch that caused thousands of the devices to simultaneously stop working on New Year’s Eve. “Mine is back up and working as of a minute ago!

The Missing Save Button

At work, our corporate network is mainly all Microsoft. Sure there are roles filled by some linux machines and for our ISP services, its almost all unix/linux. But for email, calendaring, document sharing, its Micro$oft all the way. I’m the black sheep of the office running OSX on a mini. I’m “testing” software, honest =) Due to the nature of the corporate network, I find it is just easier to run the Microsoft office suite which means working with Entourage on a daily basis.