Its been almost 18 years that I’ve had a twitter account. I just checked before deactivating my account. I haven’t really used it since joining Facebook over 11 years ago. Before that, it was my community. It is where I connected with other nerds, shared tips, blog posts and made friends that I would meet at conferences. It gave me opportunities and grew my career.
But its far from that anymore.
Because I’m sure that he’ll want this taken down, let’s spread it far and wide.
Final Report of the special counsel - Volume 1
The Theme System In case you have missed it in the past, I’ve decided to switch from the usual goals for a year to a theme. Sure there are some measurement or ideas on where I would like something to go. But this is more about making choices and having some momentum towards a certain change in my life that I’d like to make. If you would like more on setting a theme for a year or season, I suggest you check out The Theme System or watch this quick video from their page:
If you want to find out what I wanted to accomplish, feel free to go out and read the original post. Hopefully it will shed some light on the ambitions I had towards the beginning of this yearly theme.
How did it really go? To be honest, pretty good. Did I get as much done as I would have liked, no. There were a pile of must do items that piled up.
Finally, Apple supports a digital government ID in the state of Iowa. Hopefully all the states adopt this soon and we can get the various bars, airports and everywhere else to get onboard. Its a tall ask seeing as there are still places that I cannot use Apple Pay.